Join us for a fun and lively evening of Celtic country dancing to recorded music. There will be a 20-minute beginner’s workshop promptly at 7:00, and all dances will be taught throughout the evening. Dances are done in long lines, small sets, and circles. Dancers change partners every dance, or sometimes . . . in the middle of the dance!
As the Zimbabwean saying going, “If you can walk, you can dance.” No previous experience necessary.
Ceilidh is pronounced, “KAY-lee”, and is a traditional Scottish or Irish gathering with music, dancing and storytelling. We’ll provide the music and dancing, and you provide the stories. Hope to see you there!
Come and play with others who love to sing, and want to sing in community.
The focus of this workshop is play, not performance. We will explore our voices through simple songs, rounds, call-and-response, easy rhythms, and an introduction to improvisation.
Singers of all levels are welcome
Appropriate for ages 13 and up
Dress comfortably
100 baht